Well, it's been a month since Logan was born and already he has experienced so many things and new places. He has probably met over 100 people, been to several restaurants, and has been to the mall on several occasions. He is already growing out of his newborn clothing and started wearing his 0-3 month clothes. He is also almost out of the N diapers. We're just waiting to finish his current stock and then he is onto the next level. In terms of feeding, he is up to 4 ounces a feeding and normally consumes about 24 - 28 ounces a day which is average for his weight.
Everybody always wants to know if he is sleeping through the night. He is actually doing a great job in that category. Only once in the past couple weeks have we had to wake up more than once a night to feed him and last night (in celebration of his 1 month birthday), he slept the whole night (almost 7 hours). We are hoping that as he is more active during the day, he will sleep more at night.
In terms of his favorite 1 month activities? He goes from vibrating chair to swing to boppy to car seat to the baby bjorn. The rotation repeats throughout the day. He has a rattle that he likes and we tried Baby Einstein videos, but in general he likes to be in the sitting up position and he likes movement.
In his first month, he had two doctor's appointments. Both went well. All of his screening tests from the hospital were negative and he is looking forward to his vaccinations next month.
What did Logan get for his 1st month birthday? The Social Security Administration sent him his very own social security card. For some new pictures of Logan, click here.