Logan turned 5 months old on Tuesday, December 18th. We have a lot to talk about this month and a lot of photos to share. Although Logan tried solid foods for the first time prior to the start of month 5, this is the month where he really became a solid food expert. He has tried sweet potatoes, sweet peas, carrots, squash, green beans, rice cereal, bananas, apples, and pears. We have plenty of pictures and even a video (see previous blog) documenting his eating experiences. He is actually a pretty good eater. He likes all food (though green beans might be the one exception) and he always finishes his meal.

This month was also the month of first holidays. As you can see from his blog postings, he enjoyed his first Thanksgiving and first Chanukah. He also made a couple trips to Disney's MGM Studios where he experienced the Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights, and what would December be like without a trip to Celebration to see the fake snow?
Logan also started daycare this month. He is now enrolled at Kiddie U and absolutely loves it there. His cousin Jared is in the room next door and his friend Hailey Hitchcock is in the same room. Look below for a recent post talking about his new favorite toy -- the exersaucer. We have a video on YouTube showing Logan in an exersaucer.

He has been growing quite a bit since starting solid foods. He is also much stronger and should be sitting unassisted in a matter of weeks. Although we haven't been to the doctor's office, we assume he is around 14 pounds by now. He should be wearing his 6-9month clothes in no time. Talking about clothing, Logan has an opportunity this month to experience cold weather (40 degrees) and therefore got to wear a jacket, a hat, and several sweatshirts. He is still waiting to see real snow.
For a picture slideshow highlight of Logan's fifth month,
click here.Next month, Logan is looking forward to his first New Year's Eve Party; a weekend trip to Sarasota to experience the beach; and meeting his Great Grandma Esther and Great Grandpa Julie for the first time.