It was another busy month for Logan as the school year begins to come to an end. Hard to believe it is almost summer again. In another couple months, we'll be celebrating Logan's 1 year birthday. My, how they grow up so fast. Logan is in full crawl-mode. As his doctor said at his late 9 month check-up, "he is now dangerous to himself and others." Whatever happened to the Logan that would sit in one place and play with his toys? Now he is all over the house and into everything including opening and closing doors, pulling air fresheners out of the wall sockets, and pulling the white things off the door stoppers.
Those teeth that started coming through in Month 9 are now very noticeable. Now there is nothing that Logan will not eat including green beans. Some of you may remember that he hated the green bean baby food. His favorites are probably macaroni and cheese, chicken nuggets, fish sticks, and grilled cheese. Of course, this great eating has led to some weight gain. Logan is now 22lbs which means he is already growing out of his 12 month clothes.
It was an exciting month for Logan, though the pictures probably don't do the month justice. He went to 2 birthdays; went swimming; met some new friends like Parker and Aidan; attended a music class; and had his first melt down at a restaurant. This was also Stefanie's first Mother's Day since Logan was born. Brian snuck Logan out of day care for the afternoon to get some pictures taken for Mother's Day. As soon as those are available, we will put a link on the blog. Also check the blog next month for some of Logan's summer adventures including a family vacation.
For pictures of Logan this month, click here.