Another month has passed and we just can't believe how much Logan has grown and developed over the past 30 days (or more like 37 days). Once again we have to apologize for our busy lives and late posting of his monthly entry. This was definitely a busy month topped off with a trip across the country to show Logan what California has to offer.

As many of you know, this month marked the beginning of Logan's Summer Vacation from daycare. He is home for the summer so it is up to Stefanie and I to continue to teach him new things and entertain him. In terms of new tricks, he has discovered Elmo and several other stuffed animals. He will grab onto a stuffed animal and give it a big hug. He is still crawling as fast as ever and standing up while holding onto objects. He figured out how to play with the dogs and absolutely love them. In next month's blog, you'll even learn that he now says "Delila" (the name of one of our dogs). If you ask him where his head is, he'll respond by touching his head. If you ask him where his nose is, he'll respond by touching his head, so we'll be working on this next month.

Being that he is on summer break, he is spending a lot more time in the pool. We bought him a couple rafts and he loves to float in the pool and splash. It is still a contest as to whether he likes the pool or the bath more. He is a true native Floridian when it comes to his love for water.

As you can probably tell from the 11 month pictures (
click here to view), Logan has had no problems in the eating department. He is definitely starting to develop a taste for things that he likes and dislikes. He loves yogurt, but hates watermelon. He loves chicken, but needs to be in the mood to eat hamburger. Regardless of the food, this boy eats a lot. He finishes entire kids meals including the kids meal (plus side and drink) at Subway.
Talking about drinking, it is a rare day that he uses a bottle. It is now sippy cups and straws. He is having a tough time adapting to the straw because he doesn't realize that he needs to swallow and he thinks he needs to tip the cup. He is getting better every day, though.

Let's talk speech next since Stefanie is a Speech-Language Pathologist. Logan can now say "da-da", "da-ddy", "ma-ma", "mo", "na-na", "ba-ba", "th-th", "et", and a couple others. He even says some of these on command. Beyond the spoken words, he also learned sign language for "more". We are trying to also teach him the signs for "all done", "ball", "daddy", "mommy", and "kiss".
The California trip was great. If you want to see how much fun we had in California,
click here. If you want to hear all about it, read on. We went to California with Logan's Mimi and Poppi (Stefanie's parents). Stefanie's father's brother lives in California and Stefanie's first Cousin Stacee is engaged to get married this summer to her fiance Scott.

We made sure that Logan had his own seat on the plane for this trip. We knew with the long flight that he would be better in a car seat. It was a good thing because he had just cut two teeth the night before and had a low grade fever. He did great, though it took him a while to settle down and go to sleep. We started our tour in the LA area where we saw the Chinese Grauman Theatre, Rodeo Drive, The Grove, The Famer's Market, Santa Monica Pier, Redondo Beach Pier, The Hills, and some of Stefanie's long lost relatives on her father's side.
After a couple days in LA, we headed to the San Diego area where we went to the Zoo, La Jolla, The Cove, Hotel Del Coronado, and spent some time with Sumner's brother Ivan, his wife Fern, and daughter Stacee. Logan also met Scott and Scott's family at a barbecue at the Cohen household.

All in all, we all had a good time and got to see a lot of California, but there is never enough time to see everyone and everything. We'll have to come back again next year. Talking about next year, by the next blog post, Logan will be 1 year old. We're hoping that we will be able to report that he can walk and knows the difference between his nose and his head. We're also hoping to report that more teeth have come in. Other than that, I am sure there will be pictures from his birthday party and news from his 1 year doctor's check-up.