You know it has been a good blogging month when Logan has 5 entries. His month started with a trip to the Wiggles concert (or as he calls them, "ga ga"); followed by becoming a big brother to his baby brother Asher; followed by a trip to Disney to see the Osborne Festival of Lights; followed by Thanksgiving; and ended with a joint photo shoot with his brother.
The birth of Asher alone was enough to make life interesting for Logan especially with all the visitors. Logan LOVES his baby brother. He points to him all day long and says "daydee" which is his version of baby. He kisses his brother every chance he gets and brings him all of his baby things like blankets, burp cloths, bottles, and pacifiers.
He also had a couple of opportunities to get closer with his cousin Jared. We finally have a handful of pictures of the two of them together.
In terms of development, it is as if Logan blossomed when baby Asher came along. He is saying so much more (or we are just understanding so much more). Every day we are surprised by what he knows. For instance, he knows how to say and sign "please". His vocabulary now includes animal sounds like the sounds dogs, monkeys, sheep, lions, and pigs make. He can also point at pictures when he talks so it is getting easier to understand him. His vocabulary now includes more than 50 words like please, milk, water (in spanish), mimi, mama, daddy, wiggles, car, truck, vroom, blocks, box, dog, up, down, more, bye, bye bye, hello, hi, duck, apple, hot, eat, elmo, hat, all done, night night, blanket, shoes, knees, ears, head, belly, baby, book, ball, balloon, etc.
Of course, the walking turned into running. He is doing much better navigating around and over objects. He is also doing better at getting down from the couch and/or bed. Although he started using a fork last month, this month he has become much better at stabbing the food to go on the fork. He also stopped throwing food or his cup when he is done eating and now pushes everything away when he is done and says "all done". He's getting a lot better at stacking and sorting toys and he has fallen in love with books. He needs to hear 2-3 books before he lies down at night. He even sleeps with a few in his crib and reads them when he wakes up in the morning. He also started sleeping with a blanket in preparation for the day he transitions to a big boy bed. Did we mention the start of potty training?
To see pictures of Logan this month, click here.
Stay tuned next month to hear about Chanukkah, visits from Mimi (Grandma Barbara), Papi (Grandpa Sumner), Great Aunt Rhonda, Cousin Taylor, Great Uncle Harvey, Great Aunt Roxanne, Cousin Craig, Great Uncle Ed and Eileen, and more.