This was a big month for Logan. His month started with a trip to Ohio (see the blog entry below) and continued with a trip to Boston and a couple trips down to South Florida. He got to meet several new people this month (mostly family, but some friends) and got to see some people that he hasn't seen in several months.
The most important developments to note are that he now has a tooth coming through and last week he started crawling. We have been waiting for the month where we could announce that he was finally crawling and we figured that it would probably happen around the same time that he cut his first tooth.
Although teeth are not necessary for eating real food, his appetite matured around the same time he started to get his first tooth. There is nothing this kid won't eat. In the short time that he has been eating table food, he has already tried (and inhaled) beets, avocado, green beans, matzah, chicken, hamburger, turkey, cheese, bagels, crackers, cheerios, matzah balls, tzimmis, bologna, edamame, french toast, matzah brie, pancakes, potato pancakes, brisket, and macaroons.
From this month's pictures, you'll see that Logan is really growing. He missed his 9 month check-up due to an ear infection, but he did weigh in at 20 lbs. What you won't see from the pictures is the way that Logan has started to copy us. If you clap, he will clap. If you make a rasberry, he will make one. If you click your tongue, he will click. If you say "da-da-da", he will do the same.
For this next month, we are looking forward to further advancements. Maybe he will start to pull himself up to the standing position. Maybe he will add more sounds to his vocabulary. We'll have to wait and see. Check back next month for updates. In the meanwhile, click here to look at pictures from this month.
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