It seems the older Logan gets, the less pictures we take. Perhaps he is much faster and the moments are harder to capture? Perhaps we're too busy chasing after him? Perhaps we're getting lazy in his toddler months. Whatever the excuse, we promise to do better next month.
This month can be best described as the month we wished Logan would learn to walk. With one day to spare, he snapped into action and proved that not only can he stand on his own two feet without holding on, but he can also go from a crawling position to a standing position and take quite a number of steps including navigating around furniture and dogs. This was his big accomplishment of the past month.
Logan is definitely growing nicely. At his 15 month check-up today, he weighed in at 28 lbs, 11 oz. His height was almost 32 inches. That puts him in the 80th percentile for height and 90th for weight. He impressed the doctor by his ability to point out his stomach, say "hi", wave goodbye, throw kisses, and walk.
In many ways, Logan is the same old Logan. He loves meal time. He always smiles for the camera. He says hi to everyone when he enters a room and waves bye as he leaves. He knows sign language for the most important words -- eat, more, milk, and all done.
His vocabulary is slowly expanding and he has created a few words of his own. "Dai" means "give me". "Duh" means he is done with whatever he has in his hands and he is going to throw it on the ground. "Dee" is the same thing as "Weee" and he learned the word for "hot" but he uses it when he sees any food. He can say "up" and "uh-oh" but you wouldn't know it unless you were his parents. He still says the letter "B" for book and balloon and "da da" doesn't mean Daddy. It is more of a question he asks expecting the response of "yes".
A couple cute additions to his repertoire is the shaking of the head to indicate "no". He can't help but crack up as he shakes his head when he doesn't want something. He also likes to bump heads, do a high five, and blow kisses.
He is much more advanced now with his toys as he learns to stack blocks, take apart puzzles, and open and close compartments. Talking about opening and closing, we had to baby proof the house because Logan loves to open doors, cabinets, and drawers. He gets on his tippy toes to open the door.
For some pictures of Logan since his birthday posting, click here.
Don't forget to check back next time (may be slightly longer than a month) for the announcement of Logan's baby brother, Logan's advancement in the art of walking, Logan's real Halloween experience, and more.
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