Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Logan turns 16 months old!

Wow, the big 1-6. It is hard to believe that our little boy has grown to be such a full grown toddler. Weighing in at 29lbs, Logan had a very productive and exciting Month 16. The blog is full of posts for this month including Halloween, Logan's new bedroom, Logan's school picture, and a handful of trips to Disney World.

Life has been good for Logan now that he can walk. He feels very independent. He is even been known to sneak away into his play room and play with some of his favorite toys alone. He loves the toy that shoots balls into the air or loves stacking blocks or making buildings with Lego's. He continues to get better and better at puzzles and shape sorters.

When it comes to eating, he is actually getting more picky in his old age. Now that he can communicate "no" to us, he makes sure we know which foods he wants to eat and which foods he doesn't. He is also less likely to eat something if we try to feed him. He is improving his eating skills now, though, with the addition of a plate and fork to his normal routine. Soft fruits seem to be his favorite along with grilled chicken.

In the speaking department, he has learned a couple new words -- agua, apple, hat, fan, daddy, truck, dog, and all done. He still has issues pronouncing the full word, but we know what he means when he says these words. He also learned how to play peak a boo by covering his eyes.

Month 16 was a cold month in Florida with temperatures falling to the low 40's. Logan came down with a slight cold that had him out of commission for almost 5 days, but he is on the road to recovery and has returned to day care to be with his friends. He got to see Grandpa Howie, Grandma Elise, and Great Grandma Esther while he was sick and it made him feel much better.

Staying at home with Logan for a couple days made us realize how much he was actually learning at daycare. We never realize that he knew what "lie down" means. Now bed time is much easier because we say "lie down" and he lies down so we can put a blanket over him. We also learned that he was introduced to the Wiggles while at daycare so we have added the Wiggles to his collection of DVDs.

For pictures of Logan in Month 16, click here.

Next month is going to be a really big one for Logan and the family. It will start with a trip to see the Wiggles tomorrow and of course will be topped by a new addition to the family. Logan should be a big brother in less than a week. Despite 9 months of planning, we still don't have a name picked out and at this point, we'll wait until we see him to figure out what or who he looks like. Stay tuned to the blog on Tuesday, November 25th for the posting "Logan becomes a big brother".

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