The holidays (Chanukkah and New Years) seemed to come and go, as did a plethora of family and friends coming to the house to spend time with the family and meet Logan's baby brother. Logan celebrated Chanukkah at home. In fact, this was one of the first years in a long time that we were home every night of Chanukkah to light the Menorah. We had many people over the house during Chanukkah like Clay and Wendi; Todd, Monica, and Jared; Mimi and Poppi; and Uncle Ed and Eileen.
Before Chanukkah was officially over, we celebrated Uncle Todd's birthday where Logan got to spend some time with more family like Taylor and Aunt Rhonda; Uncle Harvey, Aunt Roxanne, and Craig; Grandma Esther; Grandma Elizabeth; and Grandpa Howie and Grandma Elise. Taylor and Rhonda stayed for a couple days and Logan really enjoyed their company especially when they babysat for him.
We spent New Year's Eve with the Hagen Family and Todd, Monica, and Jared. Logan tried to stay up until midnight, but didn't make it. On New Year's Day, we went to Tampa to have lunch with the Kissel Family and then snacks with the Fletcher Family.
Only a few days later, Logan had his 18 month check-up where he weighed in at 30 lbs 15 ounces with a height of 32.75 inches. The doctor was very impressed with his ability to drink from a cup and the fact that he calls water "agua". Logan wasn't really performing that day, but he has developed a lot in the last month.
For one, Logan has finally reached the stage of toddler dancer. He only dances to a handful of Wiggles songs but he moves his lips and everything. He also participates in songs like "If you're happy and you know it" and "Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes". His vocabulary is growing every day. This month he learned words like pillow, yellow, blue, puzzle, bubbles, cracker, waffles, mouse, and pretzel, to name a few. He also added some animal sounds to his repertoire like "who" for an owl. We hope that by next month he will start climbing and putting two words together to form sentences.
For some pictures from this month, click here.
Stay tuned next month for the Norris visit from Ohio, Debbie's visit from Boston, Ava's Baptism, Brian's birthday, and more.
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